We are excited to enhance this season’s music with the art of Paige Crosland Anderson.
Here are a few thoughts from the artist.
My work seeks to explore how space-whether physical or emotional-is made sacred through repeated events. The use of methodical processes and repetitive forms reference the quotidian routines that make up daily life; the succession of daily rituals that eventually stack up like repeated miracles and create meaning.
I try to incorporate the truer parts of daily life: the messes, disasters and ultimately the forming of beauty through accumulated layers-be they predictable and clean, or raw and variable. Methodical processes also underscore the connection my work has to traditional women’s work-like quilting-as well as daily family rituals, ceremony and pursuing genealogical research.
My work is an outgrowth of interest in ancestry and patterns that form through families. I have come to understand my life and personal history as an outgrowth of my family’s. My work explores the idea that I am but one on a string of genetically linked individuals. This notion has profound implications; that events give birth to events, changes to changes, and actions to actions; that I am but part of a grand causality.
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